Category Archives: Couples

The Franklin’s Holiday | December 2016

It’s been awhile since I’ve done a morning session, but I just couldn’t pass up on the fresh snow! Winter sessions create some of my favorite photos and with a beautiful backdrop, like these, I just can’t resist! Anna and Sheldon are the cutest couple around. Their contagious smiles flood these photos with pure happiness….

Julia + Ryan | October 2016

Fall colors. Sweet love. and so much happiness! I had a blast spending some time with Julia and Ryan. After being rained out the first time and nearly again on the second, these two sure made the most of every second of beautiful weather! Not like it was too difficult 😉 Can’t wait to see…

Allison + Mitch | October 2016

Allison and Mitch <3 these two are 100% meant for one another. I’m pretty sure I laughed just as much as they did! so. much. fun. If this is just the beginning then I’m excited to see where their life takes them 50 years later. Can’t wait to celebrate with them as they become husband and…

Emily + Eric | October 2016

What can be more fitting than coming to the very spot where it all began? Emily and Eric met at Sunset Park. A quick pass on the hill lead to endless chats on a nearby bench. Years later, engaged to be married and ready to spend forever together <3 Can’t wait for their wedding this June!

Brooke + Ryan | October 2016

I hardly had to direct Brooke and Ryan throughout their entire session because they just fit together sooo well. Endless giggles, sweet snuggles and sunset kisses are what it’s all about! This warm October weather can stick around if you ask me 😉 can’t wait to watch these two become husband and wife in just…